Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign launch in Cameroon
First Lady of Cameroon, Madam Chantal Biya, launches Zero Malaria Starts with Me nationally

10 March 2022, Yaoundé, Cameroon – Cameroon’s Minister of Public Health, H.E. Dr. Manaouda Malachie, announced today the launch of the country’s national Stop Malaria! campaign, becoming the 24th country in Africa to join the Zero Malaria Starts with Me movement.

The launch of this campaign reflects the commitment of Cameroon’s national leaders at the highest level to fight against malaria, a key element of the High Burden to High Impact initiative launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and RBM Partnership to End Malaria to support the 11 countries with the highest burden of malaria.

Malaria is one of the leading causes of death and hospitalization in Cameroon and continues to claim lives on a daily basis. According to WHO estimates, each year Cameroon records approximately 4,000 deaths from malaria nationwide. This deadly, yet preventable and treatable disease is also the cause of around half of hospitalizations in the country.

This national campaign will strengthen political dialogue at the national level on the fight against malaria and help mobilize actors from all sectors to achieve the objectives of the National Strategic Plan for the Fight against Malaria (PSNLP) 2019-2023.

The Stop Malaria! campaign falls under the High Patronage of the First Lady of Cameroon, Madame Chantal Biya. Following the launch ceremony on 10 March, Cameroonian leaders at all levels will be invited to commit to taking concrete actions in the fight against malaria. A series of activities will also be carried out at the national level for the continuity of the implementation of the Stop Malaria! campaign for the attention of these leaders.

The pan-African Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign was launched by African Union Heads of State and Governments at the 31st African Union Summit in July 2018 in support of the African Union goal to end malaria by 2030. Endorsed by African Union leaders, the campaign calls on all individuals, families, communities, as well as political, business and religious leaders to make a personal commitment to step up the fight against the disease.

Participating countries have also established national End Malaria Councils and Funds, mobilized business leaders through the Zero Malaria Business Leadership Initiative, and are engaging media, youth and community champions across Africa in malaria control and elimination efforts.

To find out more information about Zero Malaria Starts with Me, please visit and follow @ZeroMalaria on social media.