19 November 2021, Kati, Mali – Today, Mali announced the launch of country’s first national Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign, joining the pan-African movement to strengthen local, national, and regional efforts towards a malaria-free Africa. As part of the campaign, all individuals, families, communities, as well as political, business and religious leaders will be urged to make a personal commitment to step up the fight against the disease.
The country launched the campaign under the Patronage of the H.E Col. Assimi GOITA President of the Malian Transition and the ceremony was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the World Health Organization and other partners.
“Malaria affects every single one of us in Mali and the development of our country is stalling because of this deadly disease. From the point of view of our economy, malaria affects a major part of our population every year, causing an absenteeism rate of 1.30% from school and work places," said Choguel Kokalla Maïga, Prime Minister of the Malian transition, during the campaign launch.
Malaria is a disease which disproportionately affects the African continent, with over 90% of malaria cases and deaths worldwide. To drive down the disease and save lives, Zero Malaria Starts with Me links local and national action by including all members of society in the fight against malaria.
The continent-wide Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign was launched by African Union Heads of State and Governments at the 31st African Union Summit in July 2018 in support of the African Union goal to end malaria by 2030. The campaign sparks grassroots movement by engaging political leaders at all levels, mobilizing resources and funding, and empowering communities to take ownership of malaria efforts and hold leaders accountable in the fight against malaria
The pan-African movement continues to gain momentum as more than 20 countries have now launched national campaigns.
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